Saturday 2 September 2017

Return of the blog

Hang on a minute, what's going on? Didn't I say last Christmas that I was bidding farewell to my sixtyat60 blog?  So how come I'm suddenly subjecting you to a comeback performance? Is there a stash of new posts waiting eagerly in the wings? I think I'd better explain sharpish.

Four months ago, my lovely friend and shiatsu therapist Paulette asked whether I'd be willing to join her in a 25k trek along the Thames to raise money for St Wilfrid's Hospice in Eastbourne.  I felt a whoosh of excitement.  Fund-raising? Challenge? Nice long walk? Endless views of flowing water? Frankly it was a no-brainer. Within half a nano-second I'd signed on the dotted line.  But in truth my number one reason for saying yes to Paulette was because she and her husband Jeremy were absolute stalwarts throughout the year that I was doing my own challenge (see selfie below, taken inexpertly by me whilst the three of us were navigating the Seven Sisters for Task 2), and it gave me a huge sense of pleasure to be able to return the favour, especially given the special charity concerned. And so with our trek now just 7 days away, it seems only fitting to rekindle the spirit of sixtyat60 and post a blog about our forthcoming adventure.

You may be wondering why Paulette has decided to fund-raise for St Wilfrid's Hospice.  Since the beginning of this year, St Wilfrid's has provided outstanding palliative care to Jeremy, who has been living with progressive prostate cancer - and they've also offered expert advice and support to Paulette.  The skilled and compassionate Hospice at Home team enabled Jeremy to remain at home throughout his illness, and when he died very peacefully seven weeks ago, he was in his familiar surroundings, with Paulette and family at his side. The trek that Paulette and I are doing is an expression of thanks and gratitude from Paulette to the hospice and its wonderful staff.  

So....what exactly is the Thames Bridges Trek? It's part of an annual weekend event organised by Action Challenge. Participants can run, jog or walk their way along various sections of the Thames. The Thames Bridges Trek route takes participants across no less than 16 bridges from Putney Bridge to Tower Bridge.  Paulette and I will be setting out from Putney Bridge at 9.30am next Saturday, 9th September, and aim to cross the finish line by 4.30pm - 7 hours of relentlessly hitting the tarmac, interspersed with plenty of chin-wagging, people-watching and Thames-viewing. What's not to like?

There's one potential tiny obstacle. You may perhaps remember that my brother Clive joined Andrew and me for the last day of my epic Wales Coast Path walk (Task 5 in my sixtyat60 challenge)? Clive was so inspired by the experience (despite a tricky moment when we encountered a squall 3 miles outside Bawth and Clive's leather city shoes frankly weren't up to the task of helping their owner to stay upright) that he couldn't wait to have another crack at some serious hill walking. And so it is that next Tuesday - er, yes, that's just 4 days before the Thames trek - Clive, Andrew and I will be legging it up Ben Nevis to commemorate Clive's 60th birthday. I've promised Paulette that I'll stick to the path, wrap up warm, take industrial quantities of sunscreen/midge repellent and obey our guide's instructions at all times. I'll be on that startline at Putney Bridge in a week's time, come what may!

Mind you, that 'come what may' attitude of mine has really been put to the test this week, courtesy of an evil and highly antisocial wasp, which released its existential pent-up anger by stinging my big toe in several places as I was pottering around the kitchen in my flip-flops on Monday morning.  Oh my goodness, the pain, the curses, the itching, the throbbing, the mega-itchy itching. Did I mention the itching? Ah well, first-world problem or what? Palace's failure to sign up a striker or goalie by the end of the transfer window is far more serious. Two types of antihistamines, one steroid cream and endless ice packs later, I think I'm finally beginning to win the battle. Ben Nevis, prepare yourself to be conquered next Tuesday.   

I promise to post a follow-up blog to let you know how I and my trusty challenge companions fare over the next 7 days. And in the meantime, if you'd like to read more about Paulette's and my Thames Bridges Trek, do please visit our JustGiving page at  

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